Meet Dominic Cadena, Lead Caramel Cook, Sanders
Can you tell us about your Hispanic or Latino heritage?
Yes. On my mom’s side, my grandma was from Mexico. My grandpa is from Santa Maria, Texas, his family also came from Mexico. My dad is also Mexican.
Do you have a favorite tradition from your heritage?
We always have tamales at Christmas time. We also have a Thanksgiving meal with a traditional turkey, but we also have enchiladas and other traditional foods. I have an uncle is from Poland and we also have sauerkraut, as well.
What is your favorite traditional food?
Mole, which is chicken with a gravy that is peanut based. Different regions of Mexico have their own type of Mole sauce. Also, Chicken enchiladas from Mi Pueblo are amazing. I grew up with my grandparents and we always ate the traditional foods. My grandma used to make tamales and sell them at Chrysler. Sometimes my grandma would bring a cow’s head home and would throw it in the oven. It was the best. We would have tongue tacos, we call it Lengua.
What is something that is really important to you from your heritage that you want to pass on to your kids?
Work ethic, it is something that comes from my grandpa, that is huge.
How would you explain to someone what it means to be Hispanic or Mexican?
We’re really family oriented, hardworking group. Loyalty is everything to us. We’re really trusting people.