Meet Lori Kellie - Director of Production - Sanders Facility
Where are you from? I was born and raised in Eastpointe, MI.
Tell us about your career with SNB. I started when I was 17. I stopped by to pick up my best friend and she said I could come in and wait in the hallway. A lady by the name of Alice, the VP of manufacturing, stopped to talk to me and after a nice conversation, she asked if I had a job. I told her I did not and she said, “You can start on Monday.”
How did you get to your current job? Part of the reason I ended up where I am today is because I was able learn whatever I wanted. I started on the box machine, but I did not want to just do that every day. Back then, people worked on the same lines every day. I learned how to run the lines and how to make cherry cordials, creams, and mints. I worked in the retail store during the holidays, shipping & receiving, HR, purchasing and research & development. I also went to short course candy school in Pennsylvania.
Tell us about your family. I still have both my parents. I have one sister, Lisa. My husband’s name is Brian and we have two kids, Steve and Sydney.
What do you like to do in your spare time? I enjoy cooking, reading, and listening to music. I have always had an interest in music. In school, I played the saxophone, flute, and the oboe for 6 years.
Do you have a favorite memory from your time here? When President George W. Bush came here. It was a really crazy day. We had no idea he was coming. There were two people walking up and down the observation hallway, then they asked for the person in charge. Shortly after that, there was SWAT, state police, and a K9 dog all on the production floor. I was trying to find my boss because everyone was freaking out on the afternoon shift. When I found him, he said “Don’t panic, the president is coming.” I said, “What president?” He replied, “THE president!” When President Bush toured the facility, he stopped to meet with everyone and shook their hands. He wanted some treats, but he would not let us just give it to him, he insisted on paying for it. The money that came out of his wallet is in a frame in my office.
What is your favorite SNB product?Of all the current products, my favorite is the milk chocolate hot fudge topping. My all-time favorite item was milk chocolate covered potato chips.